July 2021 Newsletter: International Association of Survey Statisticians
About the IASS
Links to more information:
- The January 2021 issue of The Survey Statistician (TSS) is now available http://isi-iass.org/home/services/the-survey-statistician/ .
- Newsletters are available at http://isi-iass.org/home/services/newsletters/2020-newsletters/
- The calendar of events is available at http://isi-iass.org/home/events/
- IASS Twitter account @iass_isi
The TSS is an open access journal. If you would like to contribute an article to the Ask the Experts, New and Emerging Methods, and Book and Software Review sections please approach the TSS editors or James Chipperfield (email below)
The IASS Executive Committee encourage members to subscribe and contribute articles to the Statistics Journal of the International Association of Official Statistics. Website: https://officialstatistics.com/aims-scope .
Please feel free to send items to publish in future IASS newsletters to James Chipperfield james.chipperfield@abs.gov.au
List of Candidates for the IASS 2021-2023 Executive Committee
As of 13 July, a total of 169 voting forms were received for the election of the next Executive Committee. About 48% of IASS members cast a vote. A report on the election outcomes will be send to members. Good luck to the next EC!
Stats Special Issue “Re-sampling Methods for Statistical Inference of the 2020s”
Manuscripts on Bootstrap and resampling methods are very welcome to the Stats Special Issue “Re-sampling Methods for Statistical Inference of the 2020s” which will feature a special paper and preface by Bradley Efron. Submission deadline is 31 August 2021. For details please visit [https://www.mdpi.com/journal/stats/special_issues/resampling_statistics] or email to fulvia.mecatti@unimib.it. Stats is an MDPI Open Access Journal. Special discounts on the Article Processing Charges (APC) may be provided.
IASS General Assembly
The IASS held its annual general assembly on the 6th July. The general assembly expressed support for a proposal to form an IASS Outreach Committee, as long as the proposal was expanded to include multiple African countries (only Nigeria was mentioned in the initial proposal).
IASS Webinar Series
The current timetable for IASS webinars is below. Note that CET is Central European Time. More details, including registration, will be advertised in future IASS newsletters. A list of previous IASS webinars is Webinar | International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) (isi-iass.org)
and recordings are available Webinars – ISI (isi-web.org).
2nd September 2021, 1:00 PM (CET): Building a Sample Frame of SMEs Using Patent, Search Engine, and Website Data (Sarah Kelley, Sanjay K. Arora).
September 2021: Targeted or lagged walk sampling for estimation of finite-order graph parameters (Li-Chun Zhang)
28th October 2021 at 2pm – 3.30pm: Theory and Practice of Adaptive Survey Design at Statistics Netherlands (Barry Schouten and Kees van Berkel)
23rd November 2021 12pm (noon) CET: Presentation by the Inter-secretariat Working Group on Household Surveys, United Nations.
December 2021: To be Advised (Ray Chambers)
February 2022: Three-Form Split Questionnaire Design for Panel Surveys (Paul Imbriano)
Upcoming IASS-Supported Conferences in 2021
Website: https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/ices/2020/conferenceinfo.cfm/
EESW21– European Establishment Statistics Workshop 2021 will take place virtually 14 – 17 September 2021. Website: https://statswiki.unece.org/display/ENBES/EESW21
SUMMER SCHOOL ON SURVEY STATISTICS will be held virtually 3, 10, 17 and 24 September. Website: Summer School on Survey Statistics 2021 – Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics – University of Helsinki Confluence
SAE2021- BigSmall – Conference on Small Area Estimation, with the theme “Big Data for Small Areas”, will be held virtually 20-24 September, as a satellite conference to the World Statistics Conference in 2021.
Website: https://sae2020.org/
11e Colloque International Francophone sur les Sondages – 11th International Francophone Conference on Surveys will take place 6-8 October 2021 in Brussels, Belgium. Website: http://sondages2020.sciencesconf.org.
Other Conferences on survey statistics and related areas
Joint Statistical Meetings 2021 will take place 7 -12 August in Seattle, USA. Website: https://www.amstat.org/ASA/Meetings/Joint-Statistical-Meetings.aspx
2021 Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference will take place 7-9 October in Pittsburgh, USA. Website: https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/wsds/2021/
2021 International Methodology Symposium, ”Adopting Data Science in Official Statistics to Meet Society’s Emerging Needs”, will take place virtually from October 15 to November 5. Website:https://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/conferences/symposium2021/index
The Survey Research Methods Section (SRMS) of the ASA Information on activities of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA) are available at: https://community.amstat.org/surveyresearchmethodssection/home