9th Italian Conference on Survey Methodology and International Association of Survey Statisticians Satellite Conference (ITACOSM2025 – IASS)

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Date(s) - 30/06/2025 - 04/07/2025
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9th Italian Conference on Survey Methodology and International Association of Survey Statisticians Satellite Conference   (ITACOSM2025 – IASS)

 July 1-  4, 2025 in Bologna,  Italy with short courses  held on June 30, 2025 in Rimini, Italy

More information and the link to the website is here:  https://eventi.unibo.it/itacosm-2025


The ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology (ITACOSM) is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group of the Italian Statistical Society (S2G). For the first time, S2G collaborate with the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) to organize the ITACOSM2025-IASS, a Satellite Conference of the World Statistics Congress 2025 [isi-next.org].

The ITACOSM2025-IASS Satellite Conference aims to foster scientific discussion on survey sampling methodologies and their applications across various fields, including economics, social sciences, official statistics, demography, biology, and environmental sciences. Centered around the theme “Shaping the future of survey statistics in the data-driven era,” the conference will address the adaptation of survey statistics to a data-driven world, exploring ways to enhance survey accuracy, improve inference for small populations, and maintain relevance in a digital age.

The conference will include keynote speakers [eventi.unibo.it] on relevant themes, invited and contributed sessions.

A one-day short course [eventi.unibo.it] entitled “From Advanced Sampling Methods to Small Area Estimation: A Day of Learning” will take place in Rimini on June 30, prior to the Conference.

Lecturers: Alina Matei (University of Neuchâtel) and Nikos Tzavidis (University of Southampton).

Papers presented at the ITACOSM2025-IASS conference will be given preferential consideration for a special issue on the journal Survey Methodology [statcan.gc.ca].  Further details are available on the website.




Authors wishing to present a paper in a contributed session are invited to submit an abstract between

February 1, 2025 and March 31, 2025 through the conference website [eventi.unibo.it].

Abstracts should contain no more than 500 words and must include the substantive problem, the approach and the models used as well as the main results of the analysis. Submissions will be subject to a refereeing process.  Notification of abstract acceptance for contributed papers will be issued by April 28th, 2025.

The final version of the abstract can be submitted from April 28th to May 12th, 2025.

Please find below a list of relevant topics.


Adaptive sample designs

Administrative registers, big data and sample surveys

Artificial Intelligence and Survey Statistics

Calibration methods for data integration

Capture-recapture methods

Data disclosure strategies and privacy protection

Data fusion

Data production

Data quality

Estimation from different data sources

Estimation issues from informative designs

Graph sampling and learning

Innovations in Data Collection

Integration and weighting in probability and nonprobability-based sample surveys

Machine and statistical learning methods in survey estimation

Missing data and imputation methods

Mixed mode surveys

Multiple frame surveys

Network sampling

New methods for censuses

Opinion polls

Population-size estimation

Record linkage

Resampling methods

Sample designs for complex populations (networks) and for integrated data

Sample selectivity

Sample surveys for sensitive data and indirect questioning

Sampling and non-sampling errors

Sampling for hard-to-reach populations

Small area estimation

Smart surveys

Spatial sampling and use of remote sensing data

Statistical matching

Variance estimation


For further information and updates please visit the conference website [eventi.unibo.it]

or contact itacosm2025-iass@unibo.it