Last day to vote on change of IASS statutes

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Date(s) - 14/04/2014
All Day


Following the IASS General Assemblies and meetings at the 2013 World Statistics Congress in Hong Kong, we have reached the final stage leading to the change of the IASS from being an association incorporated under French law to an association integrated with ISI, under Dutch law. The creation of the IASS under Dutch law, temporarily named IASS_NL, has been approved by the ISI General Assembly on 29 August 2013.

The steps to dissolve the French-based IASS are described in article 12.2 of the IASS statutes as follows :
Proposed amendments to the Statutes (The dissolution of the Association is to be treated as an amendment, see article 12.3):
i) after discussion in the General Assembly,
ii) shall be considered by the Council and then,
iii) submitted to a mail vote of the membership.

Steps i) and ii) were completed during the IASS General Assembly (28 August 2013) and the first meeting of the newly elected Council (29 august 2013).

On February 18, IASS members received an invitation to vote:
1) On the dissolution of the current French-based version of the IASS
2) On the approval of the transfer of funds and assets to new Dutch-based IASS, IASS_NL

The voting period will last until today, 14 April 2014.