IASS News January 2020

The January 2020 issue of The Survey Statistician is available:
The Survey Statistician January 2020.pdf

IASS Twitter account @iass_isi


  • The Ask the Experts section is an article written by Peter van der Heijden and entitled Population size estimation.
  • The New and Emerging Methods section is made up of two articles:

– New Data Sources for Official Statistics – A Game Changer for Survey Statisticians? is authored by Siu-Ming Tam and Anders Holmberg

– Quality of Multisource Statistics – the KOMUSO Project, authored by Gabriele Ascari, Karin Blix, Giovanna Brancato, Thomas Burg, Angela McCourt, Arnout van Delden, Danutė Krapavickaitė, Niels Ploug, Sander Scholtus, Peter Stoltze, Ton de Waal and Li-Chun Zhang.

  • My experience attending the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress 2019, an article prepared by  Diego Andrés Pérez Ruiz, winner of the 2019 Cochran-Hansen prize

The issue contains a Country Reports section with eight country reports, as well as a Table of Contents of relevant journals and announcements for upcoming conferences in 2020.

Next TSS issue will be published in July 2020. The previous issues are available free of charge at http://isi-iass.org/home/.

Conferences on survey statistics and related areas in 2020

Workshop on the Concept of Quality for Big Data will take place February 25-26 at the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary. Website: https://tatk.elte.hu/workshop_concept_of_quality_for_big_data   

The Eleventh Conference on Health Survey Research Methods will take place 4 – 7 March in Williamsburg, U.S. Website: https://hsrmconference.com

2020 Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) Workshop will take place 11-13 March in Paris, France. Website: https://csdiworkshop.org/

Use of R in Official Statistics 2020 – 8th International Conference will take place 6–8 May in Vienna, Austria. Website: http://r-project.ro/conference2020.html

American Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference will be held 14-17 May in Atlanta, U.S.Website: https://www.aapor.org/Conference-Events/Annual-Meeting.aspx

Better Lives 2030: mobilising the power of data for Africa and the world will take place 19-21 May in Livingstone, Zambia. Website: https://isi-web.org/images/news/Zambia-Call-for-Papers-Announcement.pdf

12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods will take place May 31 – June 5 at the Hotel Golf Mar in Porto Novo (near Lisbon), Portugal.Website: https://www.isctsc2020.pt/

Symposium on Data Science & Statistics will take placeJune 3 – 6 in Pittsburgh US. Website https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/sdss/2020/ 

2020 American Statistical Association Conference on Statistical Practice will take place 20-22 February in Sacramento, U.S. Website: https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/csp/2020/    

Q2020 -10th European Conference on Quality in Official Statisticswill be held 9–12 June in Budapest, Hungary. Website: http://q2020.hu/

ICES VI – The International Conference on Establishment Statistics will take place 15–18 June in New Orleans, U.S. Website: https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/ices/2020/conferenceinfo.cfm

Joint Statistical Meeting with the theme Everyone Counts: Data for the Public Good will take place 1-6th August in Philadelphia, US. Website: https://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2020/index.cfm

SAE2020- BigSmall – Conference on Small Area Estimation will be held 6–8 July in Naples, Italy, with a general theme “Big Data for Small Areas”. Website: https://sae2020.org/ 

Summer School on Survey Statistics 2020 will be held 24–28 August in Minsk, Belarus. Website: https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/BNU/Events

11e Colloque International Francophone sur les Sondages – 11th International Francophone Conference on Surveys will be held 13–16 October in Brussels, Belgium.
Website: http://sondages2020.sciencesconf.org

BigSurv20 – Big Data Meets Survey Science will be held 4–6 November in Utrecht, Netherlands. Website: https://www.bigsurv20.org

The Survey Research Methods Section (SRMS) of the ASA

Information on activities of the Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA) are available at: https://community.amstat.org/surveyresearchmethodssection/home

IASS Twitter account @iass_isi